Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital

For years, aarts & co is committed interior partner for the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital. During the last quarter of 2015, renovation on the infirmaries at the location TweeSteden Tilburg was completed.

In cooperation with a/d Amstel architects, aarts & co drastically renewed the infirmaries to open up space for the hospital’s revised approach to care that puts clients center stage during the care process. 

Key words of the design are: manageable, transparent, spacious, light, timeless, domestic, welcoming and with great attention. The units primarily consist of spacious, light single rooms. 

Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital (ETZ) is a (above) regional outstanding teaching hospital in Midden-Brabant. The EZT is nationwide recognized for its expertise in severe traumatology and neurosurgery, and above regionally in the area of cardiology, orthopedics and intervention radiology. 

Furthermore, EZT pays special attention to the aging. EZT offers care out of three hospital locations: ETZ Elisabeth, ETZ TweeSteden and ETZ Waalwijk. 

Even though each location has its own care atmosphere and expertise, all three always put the patient first.